Forschungszentrum Institutionelle Ästhetik




Podiumsdiskussion Forum Valletta, Malta

Thema: "Narratives of Governance, Narratives of the Public Sphere"

27.01.2017 um 09:00 Uhr

Bei der Tagung "Narratives of Governance, Narratives of the Public Sphere" in Valletta an der Universität Malta leitet Professor Dr. Christopher Balme gemeinsam mit Joan Abela und Bernard Foccroulle die Podiumsdiskussion.

Für detaillierte Informationen siehe Originalprogramm:

Forum Valletta will consist of a series of provocations and reactions addressing issues of cultural governance and public engagement followed by a debate involving artists, scholars, cultural critics, and the general public. As the heading Narratives of Governance, Narratives of the Public Sphere indicates, the Forum will look at a how cultures, people, cities, and regions function in relation to each other and how these inform and generate systems of governance which in turn determine the lives of people and the spaces/places they inhabit. Central to the Forum’s theme is Malta’s reality as an Island, a state, a region and how this impacts on the Island’s cultural, social, and political dimensions. Cultural narratives inform concepts of a united Europe. A Europe that feeds directly on the differences that constitute each nation, each region, each city, each individual.


Joan Abela: Historian and founder of the Notarial Archives Resource Council, Malta.
Christopher Balme: Professor of Theatre Studies at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich, Germany.
Bernard Foccroulle: Artistic Director Festival d’Aix-en-Provence, France.

Reactions by:

Nymand Christensen: Deputy Director-General of DG EAC
Nele Hertling: Soul for Europe
Simon Mundy: A Soul for Europe
Vicki Ann Cremona (Chair, School of Performing Arts, University of Malta)